Thursday, August 12, 2010

Expectant Mothers and Chiropractic?  YES!!!

During pregnancy, a mother's body goes through a drastic change in a fairly short period of time. Her pelvis will begin the process of separating to prepare for birth. As her body gains weight, the center of gravity is shifted forward which loads the lower back with additional...... pressure and muscle tension. Eventually the baby will put stress on the lower ribs, which attach to the mid back. All of these and other changes can make the second and third trimesters of pregnancy quite uncomfortable and in some cases, downright painful. For over 15 years, Dr. Gregerson has helped expectant mothers enjoy a much more comfortable transition through pregnancy. Statistics show that first time labors with chiropractic care during pregnancy were 24% shorter. Those who had chiropractic during their second or third pregnancies had deliveries that were 39% shorter. Fallon (1991)

Call (918) 286-2729 for a free consultation and examination with Dr. Gregerson. See what chiropractic can do to help you have a more enjoyable and healthy pregnancy.

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